Hi folks the Tulsa Kendo dojo was invited to the AUSKF summer camp on August 16-18 in Salt Lake City Utah. The guest instructors this year are Shinji Funatsu Sensei (Hanshi 8 Dan) from Osaka and Masaru Yamazaki Sensei (Kyoshi 8 Dan) from Aichi. Deadline August 2nd 2019 Location: University of Utah George S Eccles Student Life Center – High Courts 1836 Student Life Way Salt Lake City, UT 84112 SIGNUP: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1SAs7ltpK6amkZk-T5w8rSNINM75c370SR_CI3qoYxic/viewform?edit_requested=true&fbclid=IwAR2PfdAdpegTO4ohTraOsIFNLGhjtPrP2MSLEbKhuNLU-ihDkh2TOjGFVy8 PAYMENT: https://www.paypal.me/AUSKFSummerCamp EXAM: http://www.auskf.org/docs/Kendo5to6ApplicationDanForm.htm
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